Should I Take Private Yoga Lessons Or Attend A Group Class?

Unlike group classes, private yoga classes can be a one-on-one or very small group experience (3-4 members) with a dedicated teacher. Your personal needs are assessed through an indepth questionnaire and more time is allotted to discuss your areas of interest. Taking a private yoga session is incredibly effective and efficient. Students often accomplish more in a few private classes than with months or even years of regular group practice.

 Getting Started

When students are new to yoga, getting started can feel intimidating and overwhelming, especially during the first few classes. A private yoga teacher breaks down each movement with the added benefit of tailoring the movement to your body and individual needs. Then when you do take a group class you will feel so much more empowered.

Focus on Specific Goals 

In a private session you have more control over how quickly you move and progress. You can incorporate your own personal goals, making each session that much more effective.

Deepen An Existing Practice

Give yourself the push you need to take your practice to the next level. Because a group class requires a single teacher to take care of multiple students, a private class means the teacher can concentrate solely on you. This is an opportunity to refine your alignment, work with imbalances, or perhaps explore elements of a practice that you haven’t found a public class for (ie. specific breathwork or meditation practices).

Support an Injury or Illness

If you are rehabilitating an old injury and joining group classes didn’t work for you a private class can be more interactive and informative. A practice can be designed around injury or illness giving you a safe and confident experience, one in which self-inquiry can emerge.

Your Time, Your Schedule

This is an opportunity to practice at the time that works best for your schedule. We live busy lives and your yoga practice should not be one more thing to fit in but rather something that best supports the life you are living.

One last vital point: your private yoga sessions are best booked in a package of 5 classes. Why? In the first few sessions I am getting to know you and what your individual needs are. In order to create a truly effective experience with long term benefits it takes more than one session to see what works best so that we can refine it and give you something tangible to carry with you. Drop me a private message to learn more and discuss how I can best support you.


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